Running postponed

Yah boo! I’ve had to put the running on pause for a while, which totally sucks. 


I still hadn’t managed a full 4 mile circuit with no stops, but was definately feeling straonger. But I’ve had continuous ankle pain for 6 weeks now, despite buying new supportive trainers. After some advice from a friend, it may possibly be tendonitus. I’m getting it check out by my GP next week, and possibly getting some osteopathic treatment on them. In the meantime, no running, no high-impact exercise on the ankles. Boooo!

They suggest to go swimming instead. Ah, but swimming is so boring! At least with running you set your circuit, you have a start, you have a finish, you know where you’re going; you can listen to music or a podcast; you can enjoy the scenery (and watch out for dog mess!); you can even count the trees! But with swimming the most entertainment I have is counting how many laps I’ve done….

You get in the pool and swim laps till you get bored. That’s basically it. And I get bored after two laps. So it’s quite an accomplishment that I generally do about 50 or 60! 

Oh, I miss running already. 


Stupid ankles

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